Money has left the Offices….Money Is On the Streets Of Network Marketing
Robert Kiyosaki says: “if someone invites you to join a Network Marketing business, join the business even if you don’t know what it is all about. But be patient and learn the process gradually and relentlessly. Remain there even if it takes you five years to be successful in it because when the benefits begin to flow, you will NEVER be the same person ever again.”
People don’t have the patience to build a business for 3 years. But they have the patience to go to work for 40 years.
It’s crazy how some people feel that 2-5 years in a business is a long time to get rich. However don’t feel that 40 years at a job is a long time to stay broke.


When i talk to you about my business, you should know i am not interested in having your money. The money you register with doesn’t come to me…it goes to the company we’re affiliated with.

What i am actually interested in, however, is you. My interest is in having an entrepreneur join me in my business team, someone i can build our dreams together with. That is what is important to me.

So stop acting like i am after your money… I am not. I am not trying to sell you a product so i can make profit off you. What i am sharing with you is an opportunity i believe can help make your life better. I have discovered an opportunity i believe can help bring my dreams to reality, which i also believe can bring your own dreams to reality…if you have dreams, that is. And because two is better than one, i am hoping that if you embrace this opportunity, together, we can work to bring our dreams to reality.

So if i share my business opportunity with you, please understand that it’s just an opportunity. Nobody says you must do it… It’s a choice! If the opportunity is not something you care about, or if your dreams are not in line with the potentials found in my business opportunity, then just say “no”. — That’s all!

You don’t have to start wasting my time or expecting me to keep pushing you or to continue to struggle to convince you to bring your money to register. Your registration means nothing to me if you are not ready to join me in building the business. This is a business. And like every other businesses, we have to build it so it can pay us for life. There is really no two ways about it.

The good news is; if you are committed to your dreams, your business and our team, you will only have to do the work just for a while and you will reap the reward for life.

This is why we call it *Financial_Freedom


You must have a target!

What do you want to achieve with this glorious opportunity? RAGP is the only business that makes it’s users part-owner! Just keep registering, because RAGP has come to stay. All of us that are here now, are pioneers!

If you understand this business, you won’t wait for anyone to encourage you to keep working. RAGP will surely take over every other telecom businesses. Time is coming when people will be begging to be part of this great OIL-WELL business with their money.

RAGP is more than any other telecom business. You will soon discover this
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

My Dear, always put your fears behind you and your dreams in front of you. I believe everyone here has at least a goal or a dream, but if your goal and dream is not taller than what you are seeing,  you won’t earn it.

Everyone wants to be wealthy, but few take full responsibility for their desired life by always taking calculated risks and work hard and smart to achieve that. The rest depends on Government and Alfa’s and Pastor’s prophecy

Your dream can only be achieved when you put it to work. Your dream is not too big, only that your effort to achieving them are too too small.

My Dear, we are now in the month of February, yet you haven’t started doing anything different from what you did in December 2018 and January 2019; How then will that your big dream come through?

You can only start getting different results when you start doing something different from what you have been doing. Your Dreams will come through one day; that day is when you stop procrastinating and start taking right steps

This month is almost coming to an end, take calculated risks this month and start your journey to financial freedom.

Start this RechargeAndGetPaid Telecom Business today and work hard and smart to build it everyday. You will surely thank me later. The worst mistake you will make in life is when you see others flying✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈ with an opportunity at angle 360 degree, You keep observing, analyzing, even call it a SCAM then after few months or one year, you will start saying something like this:

“You didn’t explain it well, I didn’t know it was real, blablabla.

Remember, we don’t force people to partner with us, we only share the opportunity with you for your financial freedom, then if you like you come on board, its your choice.


(1.) Your salary will never make you rich. Your boss isn’t that foolish.

(2.) Your salary is fixed, are your expenses fixed?. No

(3.) If your company pays you the exact true value of the services you render, they would be running at a loss. As an employee, you are underpaid.

(4.) Once you get HIRED, you either get FIRED or RETIRED, you may also resign when you’re TIRED.

(5.) Salary is the bribe you’re given to forget your dreams, family, freedom, self-esteem, academics, social life and other personal goals.

(6.) Your kids won’t inherit your post in that company you’re employed in. Employment is not hereditary.

(7.) If your salary is not huge enough to pay your bills, leaving you with sufficient amount to save, prepare for poverty after you stop work.

(8.) If you must work, before you eat, if you get paralyzed, ill or become aged, hunger will strike you.

(9.) Being an employee is a bit similar to being a slave, you take orders, you are regimented, when will you become a master?.

(10.) In Forbes list of the richest men in the world, show me one employee



Robert Kiyosaki said: “if someone invites you to join a Network Marketing business, join the business even if you don’t know what it is all about. But be patient and learn the process gradually and relentlessly. Remain there even if it takes you five years to be successful in it because when the benefits begin to flow, you will NEVER be the same person ever again.”

People don’t have the patience to build a business for 3 years. But they have the patience to go to work for 40 years. It’s crazy how some people feel that 2-5 years in a business is a long time to get rich. However don’t feel that 40 years at a job is a long time to stay broke. Change your mindset!

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3 thoughts on “ESSENTIALS OF RAGP

  1. Dropner Promotions February 23, 2019 — 10:10 pm

    Don’t forget that customer loyalty is an important key to success.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t understand your comment. Thanks for visiting my web.

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      1. Dropner Promotions February 24, 2019 — 2:06 pm

        Nevermind my comment. Regards!


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